Got questions? Don’t hesitate to call us: Murrieta - Temecula riverside
in San Diego County

(951) 966-5385

We keep your seniors safe and comfortable.

Safe Driving Checklist for Seniors

  • Vision: Is the senior able to pass a vision test? (Cataracts, Glaucoma, and Macular Degeneration can all impact vision quality).
  • Are there any unexplained dents in the paint of the car or in the garage?
  • Does the senior allow others to ride in the car with them when they are driving?
  • Does the senior seem nervous or extra anxious when driving?
  • Does the senior take alternate routes to avoid major highways?
  • Does the senior fail to stop at red lights or stop signs?
  • Are speed limits obeyed (Not driving too slow or too fast)?
  • Have neighbors or others who see the senior driving (anyone who also attends a regular event they may drive to) observed anything unsafe?

If your answer to most of these questions is yes, then it’s time to seek help from reliable providers of transportation services. Aside from transporting you safely and promptly from place to place, we at Aging Well Home Care also oversee your health and comfort during transport. Hence, we are staffed with licensed professionals to assist your seniors. We help your seniors get ready, get into the car, and accompany them while providing necessary assistance.

We can transport you to:

  • Medical appointments
  • Family gatherings
  • Personal affairs
  • Reunions
  • Vacation destinations
  • Malls and grocery stores
  • And more

Got Questions?

Get in Touch with Us

Do you have questions and concerns about our agency? Please feel free to connect with us through our online contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Request a Free Consultation

Our pool of care professionals are readily available to give you and your family the peace of mind and support you all need. Please fill out the form below for a free consultation.

Please let us know which care services you are looking for by ticking the boxes that correspond with it.

* Thank you for filling out this form.